Welcome to our adoptions page!

About our dogs and cats

Animal SOS has more than 2500 dogs and cats; the following are just a chosen few.

Many street animals arrive at the sanctuary in the most appalling states, some near to death. The charity believes in giving these animals a chance and is pro-life. The vast majority of the critical cases that arrive at the Animal SOS sanctuary do survive and many are nursed back to full health. Other animals have special needs, but some of these animals, like those that have lost a limb through an accident or abuse, can still thrive and lead wonderful lives in loving homes. Many puppies and kittens are constantly dumped at the sanctuary and this swells the numbers and ability to help more critical cases. Local homing can be problematic and there are too few decent homes for the numbers of young animals dumped. 

For every loving home found, the sanctuary has space to help another critical dog or cat in dire need. Homing is a lifesaver. 

All animals are fully vaccinated DHPL, also against rabies, wormed, sterilized and microchipped. The costs of this is met by Animal SOS. The puppies, dogs, kittens and cats will go through a health examination before flying and will come with a health certificate.

The animals on this page are currently healthy and have no activity limitations. We see no behavioral problems and they are super loving and sociable!