Help us in Sri Lanka

Are you in Sri Lanka for a vacation or to visit friends?
While you are at it, do you want to help this project or Animal SOS?

There are many ways you can support us!

Volunteer at or visit Animal SOS

You can tour the premises and meet the beautiful dog and cats.
You can also help with rehabilitation programs for disabled dogs.

Transport donated goods (in tiny quantities) to Sri Lanka

Are you planning a trip to Sri Lanka and you have a bit of space in your checked-in luggage? We have blankets, toys, dog snacks, and other small items donated to us by loving people. These need to reach the doggies they are for. 

If you have some space, please reach out!

See animal cruelty in Sri Lanka? Post about it. 

The laws against animal cruelty is almost non-existent in Sri Lanka. Currently, if someone hurts or kills a street animal, the fine is less than €1. They get no other repercussions. 

Animal activists in Sri Lanka are trying very hard to push an Animal Welfare Bill that would not only protect the street animals, but would also make people think twice about hurting our beautiful animals

For more information on the atrocious situation with animal welfare in Sri Lanka and the proposed welfare bill, please read:

But, the Sri Lankan government is not listening. This is not a priority for them...unless, it affects tourism and the country's reputation in the western world. 

Your witness of cruelty will be heard more than that of local organizations and Lankan activists.

So please speak up. Stand up for our dogs and cats and help us build a Sri Lanka that cares for all its creatures.